Knoxville Visions

Over the past decade, the city has engaged the community in developing a vision of our community's future.  Nearly all of them point toward having a walkable, healthy, sustainable, equitable, and vibrant city, filled with opportunities for everyone.

Here is a resource list of some of the community engagement studies.
  • PlanET:  Imagine East Tennessee in 30 years. What will be the condition of our roads, housing, and environment? Will our economy be healthy? Will we be healthy? Is action needed to make certain our children thrive in the communities they inherit? Plan East Tennessee (PlanET) is a regional partnership formed to ask East Tennesseans these questions and develop the tools to ensure that our future reflects our vision and values.

Exclusionary Zoning and Recode

Exclusionary zoning restricts the production of new housing and caps the number of people who can live in a desirable urban area.  The wealt...